Dota 2 unlimited fps

This launch option sets the maximum FPS that users want for Dota 2. Users need to set the limit with [] after the command. Open it and then use the following command "fps_max AMMOUNT" where AMMOUNT = the number of frames you want to have. (note: the limit is ). Because that can disable Vsync. If you want to just limit your framerate then the best thing to do is the following: Go to Program Files\Steam\. Open it and then use the following command "fps_max AMMOUNT" where AMMOUNT = the number of frames you want to have. (note: the limit is ). 1. Share. Report Save. level 1. Op · 6y. thanks everyone. 1. Share. Report Save. Dota. k. Members. k. Online. Created . Join. Top posts january 8th Top posts of january, · @ am. Dota 2 locked at 60 FPS? OS: Windows 10 Home. -Vsync disabled ingame. -Vsync disabled in nvidia control panel. -FPS_MAX on console. -Xbox Game DVR disabled. low settings or max settings still locked at 60 fps at any resolution. · The maximum value via the in-game options is FPS, but you can set a custom limit with the +fps_max # command as shown in the launch options above. #= replace with a number Note: Unlocking the frame rate will cause overheating problems for laptops.